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Freeman • 10 months ago

I can understand why Muyun left his bro's possessions. His bro used up the last of his soul (the ultimate sacrifice) to help him rank up and to take any more would be distasteful for him. Not to mention, he spent most of his life creating a resting place surrounded by his favorite fishes and building up his collection.

To plunder it would be like tarnishing on his wishes to live peacefully and his life's work. Hopefully, MC sealed the place off.

zanetano • 1 year ago

-Bro I gathered all kinds of goodies for you!
-Nah. Not taking any. You dead, so keep them.
Silly MC

Enve Me • 1 year ago

maybe translation is a little off.... but its respect man...,,,.. kinda like when ancient Egyptians were buried..... he gave him a better gift by helping his cultivation........ besides i think he is passed the strength of those weapons and they cant really help him atm...... i figured they would go to his students though...... besides he can always come back and retrieve them if need be

Don't look for me • 1 year ago

Dude, It's bad translation or just plain out bad writing. The Egyptians pharaohs were also fools. What does a dead person need. "HE IS DEAD". The Egyptians did it because they believed their pharaohs were gods. Hence, they were destroyed by GOD in the hands of Moses (pbuh).

Enve Me • 1 year ago

need to study history more .... the Egyptians did it because they believed in the after life like many culture so they buried their dead with things they may need for their journey across the river stix and afterwards.... it wasnt only pharaohs that were buried like that.... its still a sign of respect like a distinguished knight buried while holding his sword in england..... and your Moses refence is incorrect and is a plagiarism of a tale called the epic of Gilgamesh..... nobodies burial beliefs are foolish... it is one thing that happens that nobody has the answer to..... is reincarnation real is there heaven or hell or Valhalla or ghost realm or are you just dead.....youll find out when you die..... personally i wouldnt care about anything once im dead.... bury me in a pauper's grave for all i care